Welcome to “A Spoonful Of Science”, the blog of CEBE
“A Spoonful of Science” is born as a Science Communication (SciComm) initiative to bridge between society and the scientific world that Spanish Scientists in Belgium (CEBE) represents. In short, to emphasize that understanding and enjoying science are not pleasures reserved for scientists only.
To meet a broad range of scientific fields and interests, “A Spoonful of Science” consists of two blog post types: “The Science Chronicles” seek to cover a scientific topic in depth or record a CEBE SciComm event whereas “CEBE answers” provide a short and accurate explanation written by scientists to open scientific questions. To promote the interaction between scientists and society, the general public has the option to send their questions about science through the blog’s website (see the tool on the right-hand side of this post).
If you are a scientist and you would like to explain your research to a broad audience or answer one of the many questions of our readers, please contact us on comunicacion.cientifica@cebebelgica.es. If writing is not your cup of tea, don’t worry! This is your blog too!! Science is also visual, so you can always help illustrating one of the blog entries.
Would you like to send us a question?
Is Facebook leaving Europe? The dance of online data and privacy
Mariola Sánchez · 26-08-2022 09:00 · Science ChroniclesA few months ago a piece of news echoed through the different media in Europe. Facebook, now known as Meta, and led by its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, threatened to leave Europa by closing most of its services (including the famous Instagram platform). Although the population, in general, considered a risk that this technological giant would leave the European market, for the most expert, this statement was considered a very unbelievable threat.
Towards an Internet of "Important" Things
Esteban Municio · 29-05-2022 10:00 · Science ChroniclesThe Internet of Things (IoT) has been promising to revolutionize the world for many years but this revolution is taking longer than expected…
Treatments that modify your DNA: Dangerous?
Alicia Alonso · 15-03-2022 11:00 · Science ChroniclesCan modern medicine alter your DNA? And if so, is that necessarily a bad thing? Let us talk gene therapy.
Are we alone in the Universe?
Francisco José Pozuelos Romero · 08-01-2022 20:00 · Science ChroniclesWe know that life on Earth flourishes everywhere, for every crack, even in the most adverse conditions, life finds a way to breakthrough. But, as far as we know, that only happens on Earth. We do not know if our planet is a rarity, a cosmic anomaly, or if, on the contrary, life is not a coincidence but a consequence, and this, whenever it can, appears.
Computational simulations to explore sustainable pathways in agriculture
Alba Alonso Adame · 22-12-2021 10:00 · Science ChroniclesMany different disciplines are focused on how to ensure a future that guarantees food security while reducing the environmental impacts of agricultural activity. In short, we are looking at how to make agriculture sustainable.
Traumatic Brain Injury in the elderly
Rebeca Alejandra Gavrila Laic · 08-12-2021 12:00 · Science ChroniclesA growing problem in an ageing society
Comic of the Nobel Prize in Physiology of 2021!
Aída García · 11-11-2021 17:00 · Science ChroniclesAída García explains all you need to know about the Nobel Prize in Physiology of 2021 to David Julius y Ardem Patapoutian in a short comic.
A tale of stellar dances: the formation of Barium stars
Ana Escorza Santos · 29-06-2021 10:00 · Winners "Your research in one image or 1000 words" - 1st EditionWinning text of the first prize from the jury and first prize from the public
Angie, Glob and the Force
Jorge Barrasa Fano · 29-06-2021 10:00 · Winners "Your research in one image or 1000 words" - 1st EditionSecond prize from the jury and second prize from the public
Computing fertilizer
Daniel Pérez Lozano · 29-06-2021 10:00 · Winners "Your research in one image or 1000 words" - 1st EditionHonorable Mention from the jury and third prize from the audience.
A TRiP to the dorsal root ganglia
Ana Cristina Nogueira Freitas · 29-06-2021 10:00 · Winners "Your research in one image or 1000 words" - 1st EditionWinning image of the jury's first prize and the public's second prize
Applications of Human Motion Modelling and Recognition using Wearable Sensors
Manuel Gil Martín · 29-06-2021 10:00 · Winners "Your research in one image or 1000 words" - 1st EditionWinning image of the jury's second prize and the public's first prize
Biofilms lighting storm - the bright battle against superbugs
Patricia Bondía Raga · 29-06-2021 10:00 · Winners "Your research in one image or 1000 words" - 1st EditionComputational flow cytometry analysis to predict immune therapy response of lung cancer patients
Katrien Quintelier · 29-06-2021 10:00 · Winners "Your research in one image or 1000 words" - 1st EditionHonorable Mention from the jury
Why is the sound of fingernails on a blackboard so uncomfortable?
Juan Manuel Sarasua · 25-05-2021 10:00 · CEBE answersEver wondered why do we have such a strong reaction to a specific sound? Are you one of those people that can’t resist the sound of nails scratching in a blackboard? In this blog post, I explain where your discomfort comes from.
How does age affect cancer progression?
Mónica Vara Pérez · 25-05-2021 10:00 · CEBE answersAccording to the World’s Health Organization, cancer (and not Covid-19) was the leading cause of death worldwide with nearly 10,000,000 deaths in 2020. In this blog post, I approach the relationship between cancer and age to answer the question of one of our readers.
Why is the sky blue?
Jorge Barrasa Fano · 26-04-2021 10:00 · CEBE answersGet ready to travel 148 million kilometers at full speed. It will take only 8 minutes. This is the journey we are going to take to answer this question. However, as you will see, the most interesting stuff will happen in the last 100 km of the trip...
Spanish: a language for science
Gonzalo del Puerto - Jefe de Actividades Culturales, Instituto Cervantes en Bruselas | Head of Cultural Events, Institute Cervantes in Brussels · 26-04-2021 10:00 · Science ChroniclesThis blog post reflects on the extension of Spanish as a language of science.
Vaccines against Covid19: differently equal
Lorena Sánchez · 29-03-2021 10:00 · CEBE answers2020 came with a pandemic and 2021 brings us various types of vaccines, with a ton of new terms. But do you know how each vaccine works? In this post, I explain what is essential for you to distinguish them.
Vaccination under legal or moral obligation?
Ángel M. Fuentes Mateos · 29-03-2021 10:00 · Science ChroniclesAn opinion article about the value of getting vaccinated in the Covid19 era.
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food… when possible!
Javier Aguilera Lizarraga · 15-02-2021 10:00 · CEBE answersDo you have a recurring stomachache or a certain intestinal discomfort after eating? Have you been told it's not a big deal, or that it might be due to stress? In this post we explain that these ailments have a biological origin and are more common than you thought.
Women and Nobel prizes: a reflection on a path towards gender equality
Montse López · 15-02-2021 10:00 · Gender equality in science · Science ChroniclesNobel Prizes are awarded each year to personalities who have made a crucial contribution in bringing benefits to humanity. The relevance of women in these awards has increased over time parallelly with social changes. There is still a long way to go to fill in the current gender gap.
Towards the recovery of Europe: innovation, employment and mobility
Comisión de Política y Diplomacia Científica de CEBE; CEBE Science Policy and Diplomacy Committee · 14-01-2021 10:00 · WebinarsHere you can find the first online seminar of the cycle "Towards the recovery of Europe: innovation, employment and mobility"
Towards the recovery of Europe: innovation, employment and mobility
Comisión de Política y Diplomacia Científica de CEBE; CEBE Science Policy and Diplomacy Committee · 14-01-2021 10:00 · WebinarsHere you can find the second online seminar of the cycle "Towards the recovery of Europe: innovation, employment and mobility"
45 results on 2 page(s)
Collaborative partners
This blog is supported by the Arts and Culture section of the Spanish Embassy in Belgium and by the Brussels section of the “Instituto Cervantes”, under the SciComm initiative #SPreadScience.
Disclaimer: The content of each post in “A Spoonful Of Science” is the responsibility of the corresponding author(s). Therefore, the viewpoints expressed on the blog are those of the author(s) of each post, which do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints, thoughts and opinions of CEBE members and representatives.
Latest posts
Science Chronicles (19 Blogs)CEBE answers (13 Blogs)
Gender equality in science (7 Blogs)
Winners "Your research in one image or 1000 words" - 1st Edition (7 Blogs)
Webinars (5 Blogs)
CEBE's online events (1 Blogs)